10 years of Swiss Salary: Innovative anniversary bottle !
Last summer, Swiss Salary Ltd. marked their 10th anniversary with a series of celebratory events over the course of ten weeks. To commemorate the milestone, they organised various competitions with a total of 60 aperitif gift sets to be won. Each set included personalised glass packaging and glasses, with an NFC tag embedded in their glass design for added convenience.
The personalised bottles and glasses for the anniversary
When putting together the aperitif sets, Swiss Salary emphasized the importance of including regional manufacturers. As such, Univerre was delighted to provide the perfect glass packaging for the occasion.
In addition to local beers and coasters, Univerre was also able to provide the following personalised product:
The highlight: an intelligent ginger liqueur bottle
The absolute highlight of the aperitif set was the smart ginger liqueur bottle.The intelligent ginger liqueur bottle consisted of a liquor bottle with an NFC tag under the graphic. Customers could scan the tag with their smartphones to access a digital photo box. The photos were then compiled into a photo book and displayed at both locations to commemorate the anniversary.
Printed carafes:

Personalised shot glasses:

The design for the 10th anniversary of Swiss Salary
The design for the 10th anniversary was a very eye-catching and colorful design. Especially for the ginger liqueur bottle. Digital printing on glass allowed the design to be printed exactly as the client wanted it: colorful and with a lot of detail. One challenge was to overprint the NFC on the bottle. The production staff at Univerre had to adapt the machine precisely to the design of the bottle and the NFC.
The end result is something to behold: A pop and absolutely impressive personalised bottle, which will certainly be used for other purposes.