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Why opt for the new washable self-adhesive labels?
For our wash centre, the quality of the labels used on the bottles plays a crucial role. Read more

Switzerland’s most modern washing centre: completely renovated and setting new quality standards!
With the growing importance of sustainability and the increasing requirements for reusable glass bottles, the renovated and larger washing centre in Switzerland is setting new quality standards in industrial bottle washing. Read more

Non-alcoholic drinks: should they be similar to alcoholic drinks or different?
In recent years, non-alcoholic drinks have become increasingly popular. Changing drinking habits and the desire to reduce alcohol consumption are prompting consumers to turn to healthier alternatives. Read more

Baby food recipes in glass jars
As parents, you only want the best for your baby. So it's only natural to make homemade baby food. Read more

The terraces are opening soon: get ready with personalised glasses !
The long-awaited moment is approaching: the opening of the terraces is finally upon us ! After months of waiting, cafés, bars and restaurants are getting ready to get back to their lively, friendly atmosphere, and welcome back customers eager to share unforgettable moments outdoors. Read more

Non-alcoholic distilled spirits trend
The new trend in the beverage industry and especially among craft distillers is called “non-alcoholic distilled spirits”. In other words: alcohol-free distillates. So where does this new movement come from and what are its success factors? Read more

Pure Bottle: the customisable glass water bottle
Plastic is practical, versatile and colourful. But plastic is also harmful to the environment and our health. We are surrounded by plastic in our daily lives. We've decided to do something about the plastic invasion and say STOP to the plastic trend. Read more

Sales: What to do when people are drinking less alcohol – and how you can still sell successfully?
The world of alcohol is on the brink of upheaval. For years, everything revolved around tradition and expertise, often tailored to a familiar target group: cultivated connoisseurs who could discuss vintage tables and terroirs. Read more

Aluminium Cans as a Trend in the Beverage Industry
The global market for beverage cans is experiencing remarkable growth. Read more