Unique bottle shapes as a trademark: An in-depth look at customised packaging solutions.

In the world of premium spirits, the presentation is almost as important as the content itself. A bespoke bottle shape can not only emphasise the uniqueness of a product, but also create a deeper connection to the brand. An excellent example of such an innovative packaging solution is a recently realised project for the Gregor Kuonen winery in Salgesch. In this project, a customised bottle was designed for an exquisite brandy. 

This bottle stands out with a unique design feature: an embossing on the back that shows the winery’s logo in a mirror image, which is only recognisable when the bottle is viewed from the front. 

Close-up of the embossing on the bottle of Vieille Prune Goutte Gregor by Gregor Kuonen Caveau de Salquenen AG
Close-up of the embossing on the bottle of Vieille Prune Goutte Gregor by Gregor Kuonen Caveau de Salquenen AG

The importance of a customised bottle shape for companies and brands

The decision in favour of an individual bottle shape is more than just a question of aesthetics. It reflects the brand identity and can significantly influence the perception of a product. A customised bottle serves as a visual narrative of the brand story and conveys values such as quality, craftsmanship and exclusivity. It enables companies to stand out in a saturated market and establish a distinctive presence.

Personalised glass bottle with Gregor Kuonen embossing
Personalised glass bottle with Gregor Kuonen embossing

Why is a unique bottle shape important for a brand?

A unique bottle shape quickly becomes a brand’s recognisable symbol and promotes brand loyalty. It ensures a high recognition value at first glance and can have a lasting impact on the brand image. By using specific shapes, colours and design elements such as embossing or screen printing, the bottle itself becomes a work of art that appeals to customers and remains in their memory.

The top 3 reasons for a customised bottle shape:

1. Differentiation in the market: 

In a saturated market where many products are comparable in quality and price, a unique bottle shape offers a way to visually stand out from the competition. A customised bottle shape can immediately catch the eye and attract consumer attention, which is particularly beneficial in retail, where first impressions count.

Read more about the impact of personalised glass packaging, why packaging design is compelling at the point of sale and how you can benefit from it.

2. Customer loyalty and experience:

A well thought-out bottle shape can improve the customer experience by telling a story or conveying a special feeling. This can be achieved through the design itself, the feel of the bottle or interactive elements. Such an experience can strengthen the customer’s emotional connection to the brand and increase the likelihood that they will remember the product and recommend it to others. In many cases, the bottles are also kept as a memento and not thrown away. 

3. Premium positioning

The consumption of alcohol and spirits in particular has been declining for several years. A recently published study shows that we not only want to drink less in the future, but better. This means that we are prepared to pay more for an excellent product (and therefore also the packaging design) if it fulfils all premium requirements. A customised bottle shape can help to position a product as a premium or luxury item. Investing in unique design and high-quality materials signals to consumers that the contents are also of high quality. This can increase the perceived value of the product and make customers more willing to pay a higher price.

Glass bottle La VIEILLE PRUNE Goutte Gregor
Glass bottle La VIEILLE PRUNE Goutte Gregor

Would you like to develop your customised brandy bottle?

Developing a customised bottle for your brandy is a crucial step in making your brand stand out in the world of premium spirits.

In a market characterised by visual appeal and brand identity, a unique bottle shape not only provides the opportunity to showcase your product aesthetically, but also tells a story that reflects your brand and its values.

Whether you are an established company looking to expand your brand presence or a new player in the market looking to make a memorable first impression, designing a customised brandy bottle can be the key to success. 

If you would like to go down this route, we invite you to contact us and make an appointment with us in our studio. 

Develop your own bottle mould in the Univerre studio

Our studio is 240 metres long and takes you on a creative journey divided into seven sections with more than 1000 sources of inspiration. Enter a universe dedicated to creativity and unleash your most daring ideas.

Read more about the studio.